Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 18

This morning, I had yet another - guess what, yes - headache. I should really sleep earlier next week, despite my "nap[ping] a lot" (quote credit Emily).

In the morning, Joe gave some feedbacks on our outline. He said we should organize the presentation as if we were telling a story, which was what Dr. Dube told us to do when presenting to a non-science audience. He also added some details to the outline. Since Cici was gone this week, Bob allowed us to post the outline by Monday, so we would have time to do some editing over the weekend.

After the eye tracking experiment, during which I looked at different dots and got light shone into my eyes, I headed downstairs to the cookout. We had sausages this week; they did taste great (with their high Sodium). A few of the interns then played volleyball, but that was too hard for us, so we changed to an ice-breaking (thermodynamically speaking, since T > 273.15 K, there was no ice at all, so please don't take it literally) ball game.

In the afternoon, there was not much work for most interns, so we chatted quite a bit. A few of them started to learn how to code, but lame at computer science as usual, I couldn't understand anything. Well, that can wait until I take the class next year, as all non-physics things can.

In the evening, I played more, refreshed my memory about the Principle of Least Actions, and studied gamed until one (yet again, even if I had volunteer work to do Saturday morning).

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