Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 1

It was the first day of the internship. Excited, I left home at 8:25, only to find myself in a little traffic jam. Bad first impression, I sighed and said (alliteration, anyone?) to myself. After we all settled down, Director Pow and Mr. Callens gave us an overview to the internship, and gave us a tour around the building thereafter. Then, we set out to the Red Barn (believe it or not, it was actually a barn that was red) to have a few team-building events. Although our group failed to save the Earth from pollution, we still got to know each other better and learnt a great deal from each other. I was very impressed with my peers' intelligence and creativity - I could've never come up with some of their ideas alone.

After lunch at Global Village, I met my teammate, Cecilia, a very thoughtful and kind girl, and my supervisor, Prof. Hornak, a very knowledgeable and approachable scholar. We talked about our potential project and planned a bit. Then we went downstairs to the MRI lab, where he gave us a tour. The NMR machine in the lab was really impressive: there was a superconducting coil in it, and current flowed through the coil and constantly produced a strong magnetic field. We learnt a few lab techniques and tested our instrument for the later part of the day. Frankly, it was quite a bit of material to absorb in one day, but we really had fun.

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