Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Day 19

Over the weekend, I wagered with my mom: if I could wake up at 6:30 everyday, run for an hour, and keep this up for a week, she would give ten dollars to me; if I could not, I lose the same amount to her. This week, I thought, would be hard (since I am writing this on Tuesday, I can confirm my prediction was right).

In the morning, Bob talked about the library tour and the Bring-a-Friend-Day. Actually, it's "Bring-Two-Friends-Day" for me, since Matthew was interested in coming back for a visit. After the staff meeting, Joe sent us the high frequency spectrum of Victoria Green, which we couldn't find over the past two weeks. Cici also started the power point for our presentation - the theme was pretty good; I bet whoever chose it had good artistic taste (lol, no, I chose it).

Later in the afternoon, I finished up with FLP Chpt. 24, which I did not understand as thoroughly - I should've learned Volume One before Volume two - but who cares? I would even watch a movie trilogy backwards (namely the Batman trilogy; apparently, Batman returns first, then becomes the dark knight, and at last begins as Batman).

And that, along with Maxwell's Equations, shows that mathematically, reversal of time does not affect physical equations' solutions; that is, there is a time symmetry embedded in the equations.

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