Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 4

This past weekend went fairly well (i.e. nerdy) for me, not so much because Portugal won the Euro Cup, but more because I realized what the error I made for the proof was (while listening to Bach's Ave Maria, but I digress).

Regardless, this morning was full of trial and error (favorite technique of physicists - but no, not as widely used by theoretical ones :p). We tried to adjust our spectrometer to make the displayed spectrum more symmetric about the x-axis by varying length of a connection wire and angle of sweeping. It did take quite a while, but we eventually got it right.

I took a break at 12:00, ate lunch, and slept on the couch for a few minutes. Then I went downstairs and collected some data with Cici and Joe; I learned how to operate the EPR machine. The rest of the afternoon was basically a continuation of the collection process - data, data, and (surprisingly) more data. We saw a few substances that gave us nice spectrum (including, owing thanks to Mr. Callens, charcoal), but more seemed reluctant to cooperate. Tomorrow we'll investigate why they are so mean to us.

It was a fun day, with the best part being to see a spectrum that looked a lot like the Weierstrass Function - now I'm wondering when the Cantor Function will show up.

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